Anna Sewell: Champion of Horses

Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk on 30 March 1820, Anna Sewell turns 200 today. Her father, Isaac Philip Sewell was a bank manager and later commercial traveller (Wikipedia also mentions him running a shop) while her mother Mary Wright Sewell was a successful author, who wrote children's books. Anna first learnt to ride when she…

Book Review: Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett #MarchMagics #Discworld #Citywatch

Some weeks ago I came across #MarchMagics on Chris’ blog (here)—reading the books of Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett in March. I haven’t read Wynne Jones so far (though I will eventually), but since I had a few of Pratchett’s books waiting on my TBR, I decided to join in and pick one up.…

Shelf Control #83: The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black #Fantasy #YoungAdult #TBR

Wednesday, the 25th of March--Shelf Control time once again! Shelf Control is a feature hosted by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies, and celebrates the books waiting to be read on your TBR piles/mountains. It is a weekly feature, and appears every Wednesday. To participate, all you do is pick a book from your TBR pile, and…

Shelf Control #82: Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor #TBR #Fantasy #YoungAdult

Wednesday, the 18th of March--time again for Shelf Control! Shelf Control is a weekly feature hosted by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies, and celebrates the books waiting to be read on your TBR piles/mountains. It appears every Wednesday. To participate, simply pick a book from your TBR pile, and write a post about it--what its about,…

Book Review: Detection Unlimited by Georgette Heyer #BritishCrimeClassicsChallenge

One of the reading challenges I'm doing this year is #BritishCrimeClassicsChallenge hosted by Rekha at the Book Decoder (here) where one reads crime,mystery, or thriller books (British of course) published before 1965. Detection Unlimited (1953) is the third book I'm reading this year that falls in this category. This is the third of the series…

Shelf Control #81: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Wednesday, the 11th of March--time again for Shelf Control! Shelf Control is a weekly feature hosted by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies, and celebrates the books waiting to be read on your TBR piles/mountains. It appears every Wednesday. To participate, simply pick a book from your TBR pile, and write a post about it--what its about,…