As #Reading the Meow2024 comes to a close, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who picked up and read cat-ty books, shared their thoughts, cat books on their shelves and pictures, and joined in all the fun. Reading the Meow 2024 saw 19 individual participants (including me and my mother on this page here) share reviews for 35 different books and short stories. There were also 6 general posts on cat-ty books read previously or on their shelves as well as from me a short one on some upcoming titles featuring cats. I was especially touched that so many who joined in shared lovely pictures of their beautiful pets with all of us–among the most precious things in our lives.

A range of authors were included this year from Christie and Bulgakov to Sylvia Townsend Warner and Diana Wynne Jones; we had translations from Japanese of fiction and manga, memoirs of people who loved or were simply taken over by a cat that walked into their lives, cats in the war and cats amidst murders, sometimes even the target, and cats who turned detective themselves in fantasy scenarios or parallel worlds. Some famous real-life cats made it to the cut too, including Larry the Downing Street cat who’s all set for PM no. 6 on his watch and Dewey the library cat who made his way into many hearts and bettered the lives of those he lived with. I was pleased to discover numerous new to me titles which will find their way to Mount TBR and hope that everyone else too found something new to interest them as well.

I was glad that once again by and large everyone who joined in enjoyed the books they picked and there weren’t any complete disappointments.

This has been a fun week and I hope everyone enjoyed it very much. I have been remiss in the puns department this time, I realise, but hope I’ll make up for it next time. Looking forward to more cat-ty fun next year and if you read any cat-ty books in between, do still tag me since I’d love to discover some more titles.

All the reviews and posts so far are on the Reading the Meow 2024 page. In case I’ve missed yours, do let me know. Also if you’re running late and post this week do still the me and I’ll add your contributions to the list.

Until next year!

19 thoughts on “Reading the Meow 2024 Wrap Up

  1. Thanks so much! It was really fun, my first participating. I’ll definitely be back!
    In the meantime, I have a bunch of cat manga books on their way to my public library for me!


    1. Thank you Lory and I’m very happy to hear that. They seem so perfect together, whether simply as a comforting purry presence while one reads or as stealthy or otherwise characters in the books themselves

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That was a fun week. I still have so many posts to read, so my “Cat Week” may extend far beyond a week. Looking forward to the next one.


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