As everyone’s planning their summer reads and many of us are working out our 20 (or 15 or 10) Books of Summer lists, here’s a quick reminder of two upcoming events that I’ll be hosting/co-hosting on the blog. In case you’re planning to or interested in joining in with either or both, do give them a spot or two in your summer lists.

Next month, in fact in three weeks time, Literary Potpourri will be hosting #ReadingtheMeow2024, the second annual celebration of cats and books. You’re invited to read any books with cats in them–prose or poetry, mystery or classic, satire or children’s fiction–the choices are endless and you can pick as many or as few as you like. It runs from the 10th to the 16th of June. Find the announcement post here.

Then in August-September 2024, with Chris at Calmgrove, I’ll be hosting #MoominWeek a one off celebration of all things Moomin, coinciding with both Tove Trove hosted by Paula at Book Jotter, celebrating the wider works of Tove Jansson and her upcoming wedding in September, set around a Moomin theme. Read or watch anything Moomin, the books, comics/comic strips, animated adaptations and share your thoughts. Find the announcement post here. And in case you’re unfamiliar with the Moomins, Chris has posted a wonderful introduction here. Moomin Week runs from 29 August to 1 September 2024

Looking forward to your joining in with either or both!

21 thoughts on “Moomins and Kitty Cats: #ReadingtheMeow2024 and #MoominWeek: A Quick Reminder

      1. Looking at my upcoming books, I think I’ll be reading the final Chrestomanci book and those ALWAYS have a cat prominently in the story, so I think I’m all set 🙂


  1. Have prepared three (with one possible addition) books for #ReadingTheMeow. And you know what, I just realized that one of the Agatha Christie short stories for June is actually related to cat – a man’s behaving mysteriously like a cat. What an odd coincidence!

    I have also prepared two Moomin books for the #MoominWeek. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very pleased to hear that. Looking forward to your reviews!
      That really is a wonderful coincidence–I’ll try and read it either within the week or slightly before. I don’t think I’ve read that short story before.


  2. What tag should I use when I write my review?

    And while I know this is early, do you have a link to the post you’ll be putting up on the Sunday before yet? I’m hoping to write my review for the 12th sometime today in the next 12hours. I can always go back and edit it to include the link, but from my previous history, I find I tend to forget and end up not including hte link at all. I can always just link to your “about” page too.


    1. Oh lovely–and that IS a head start. I’m still to start reading. The tag’s #ReadingtheMeow2024 and the link (hope I copied it right), should be

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much!
        Yeah, I like to stay 3.4 weeks ahead. It’s taken me a while to get to this point, but now that I’m here, I love it. It really takes the pressure off to write. If I don’t want to write for an entire week, I don’t have to 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. There is a simple way to do it. Just don’t post for 2 weeks and every time you “would” write, schedule that post for 2 weeks in advance.
        Just warn everyone ahead of time though 😀

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